
London Calling: Serving busy OEMs pays off

London Calling: Serving busy OEMs pays off

Silicon & Software Systems Ltd. otherwise known as S3 Group, has been a center of IC design in Dublin, Ireland, for more than 25 years. But the fast pace of technological and business change in the semiconductor business means that longevity is no guarantee of success. However, longevity does indicate a company that is prepared to adapt to survive.

As a company S3 does more than design circuits. It has business units in digital TV software and telehealth systems, which in a way reflect the origins of the company. It was originally set up by Philips Semiconductors as a remote design base in Dublin, so that it didn't have to keep relocating graduate engineers from Ireland to Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

S3 has been independent of Philips and supplying mixed-signal IP and IC design services for many years but it has to remain flexible and be ready to adapt, Dermot Barry, vice president of silicon, told me in a recent telephone conversation.

Barry relates how 2008, a good year for S3, was followed by very poor 2009. He reckons that IP licensing enquiries had started to pick up again in 4Q09 but that the IC design service business took longer, until mid-2010. And there was a change that helped S3 climb back up. "The traditional customer base is semiconductor IDMs and fabless chip companies. That's changed. We started to go after the OEM companies," said Barry.

He makes the point that semiconductor companies have been under enormous pressure to reduce the cost of their chips for many consumer and mobile applications and that pressure has been pushed up stream. And in the design services business large Indian and Asian service providers, such as Wipro, have been driving down cost.

"We had to focus on our expertise in mixed-signal IP and looked to help OEMs who have electronic products but only in relatively low volume." These OEMs, used to taking standard components from distribution channels could not go to system-chip because they lacked the expertise and access to foundry, said Barry.

"By a mix of integration of repartitioning systems we've been able to achieve bill of materials savings." The volumes remain small but S3 works with foundry access aggregators such as eSilicon, Open-Silicon and Delta Microelectronics to help the OEMs get access to appropriate foundry processes and production volumes.

Barry makes the point that when talking with IDMs and fabless companies that are familiar with the design process the discussion can get focused on the price whereas with negotiations with OEMs can revolve around the value created in terms of savings in the system BOM.

It all goes to show that as an engineer, in terms of achieving the best return on your efforts, it is not only what you do that matters but also for whom you do it. And that taking the system and user-case point of view usually yields far more efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Related links and articles:


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S3 provides IP for Chinese mobile TV

Irish companies form WirelessLab

S3 claims an assist in Siano mobile TV chips

TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling design service S3 IP eSilicon Open Silicon semiconductor

Globalfoundries' FinFET wafers set to roll

Globalfoundries' FinFET wafers set to roll

LONDON – The first multiproject wafer runs for customers testing Globalfoundries' 14-nm FinFET manufacturing process technology could start as soon as the first quarter of 2013, according to Mike Noonen, executive vice president of worldwide marketing and sales at the foundry chip maker.

Globalfoundries Inc. (Milpitas, Calif.) is pushing hard to get customers into volume production with chips on its14XM process in 2014, just one year after introducing a 20-nm process. In part it is trying to do this by reusing the middle and back-end processes from the 20-nm process while replacing planar transistors with FinFETs thereby making for an easier transition. A move from 20LPM to 14XM is expected to produce improved power and performance albeit at approximately the same die area.

Noonen said that 14XM mutiproject wafer (MPW) runs could take place in the first or second quarters of 2013 and would be used by early adopters of the process to run test circuits. Globalfoundries started offering early physical design kits for 14XM in September.

When asked if the 14XM process was still liable to receive tweaks as a process, or even to major changes such as the use of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers as a starting point to improve manufacturability Noonen said: "14XM is a bulk process."

However, Noonen added that Globalfoundries does have experience in other process technologies that make use of SOI wafers. "We have additional strong alliances on fully-depleted SOI. We are the manufacturing partner for STMicroelectronics for FDSOI at 28-nm and 20-nm. We have aligned ourselves with the thought leaders in all the manufacturing processes."

FDSOI uses planar transistors but it could be that logical road-map for both process technologies merges at some point in the future. There has been discussion as to whether the use of SOI can reduce the variability of FinFETs and improve performance at 14-nm. Some think it can while others have cited potential problems with floating-body effects and self-heating.

Noonen said Globalfoundries is already able to run the full 20-nm manufacturing process flow at its recently completed Fab 8 in Malta, New York. Noonen declined to say whether Fab 8 was already running commercial, high volume production of 20-nm circuits for customers.

Related links and articles:

Globalfoundries looks to leapfrog fab rivals

Globalfoundries eyes future IPO

FinFETs-on-SOI can double battery life, says GSS

TAG:Globalfoundries foundry MPW FinFET 14XM manufacturing process semiconductor

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Metcalfe on Ethernet’s lessons, unsung heros

Metcalfe on Ethernet’s lessons, unsung heros

“There’s an army of unsung engineers who helped invent Ethernet,” says Bob Metcalfe, taking a long drag on his cigarette as he ruminates about the now ubiquitous network technology he described in a memo to colleagues at Xerox PARC on May 22, 1973.

As the smoke curls around his head some of the names and the stories begin to emerge from the distant past. The first is David Boggs, a Stanford grad student who in 1973 was working in the next lab over from Metcalfe at PARC.

Click on image to enlarge.

David Boggs

TAG:Metcalfe Ethernet

Upbeat VCs have cash for a few good chips

Upbeat VCs have cash for a few good chips

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – A panel of venture capitalists struck an upbeat tone amid business conditions one semiconductor analyst called “dismal.” The VCs said they see signs of recovery, lots of opportunities amid the chaos of change—and they have money to spend on chip startups.

“I think the U.S. economy is on the way to mending quite well,” said Kambiz Hooshmand, founder of incubator Archimedes Labs LLC (Palo Alto, Calif.). “I think in 2014-15 things will look really bright, and if you are an entrepreneur that is your horizon anyway,” he said in a VC panel at the Server Design Summit here.

Market watchers share a similar outlook for the semiconductor industry. Chip sales this year will be down one to four percent, edge up slightly more than that next year and step up the pace of growth in 2014, according to analysts at Gartner, IC Insights and the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics organization. A report from IHS iSuppli called 2012 the "cold winter of the electronic chip market.”

Amid the short term slump, VCs see big technology and market shifts creating opportunities for startups. “It’s one of the most exciting periods to be a practitioner in the IT enterprise sector,” said Chris Rust, a general partner at U.S. Venture Partners (Menlo Park, Calif.).

Although analysts say IT spending is relatively flat, “where the money flows goes into different pockets,” said Rust. “Traditional functional partitions of servers, WANs, SANs and load balancers are being reinvented in real time with Internet scale data centers, virtualization [and other trends spawning] a chaos that has not happened in a long time, creating unsolved problems and opportunities,” he said.

“Every layer of the stack has to be re-written for the emerging mobile/cloud infrastructure taking shape now, so there are more opportunities than ever,” said Hooshmand.

Next: 'Selectively' investing in chips
TAG:Venture Capital Semiconductors Funding Venture Recovery Servers Processors Forecasts


Android cutting deeper into iPad's market share

Android cutting deeper into iPad's market share

SAN FRANCISCO—Apple Inc.' share of the media tablet market fell to 55 percent in the third quarter, the lowest it has been since the company launched the iPad and defined the category in 2010, according to new data from ABI Research Inc.

While Apple has maintained its dominance in the tablet market for 10 straight quarters, the firm surrendered 14 points of market share in the third quarter, mainly to Android-based offerings from Amazon, Google and Samsung, ABI (Oyster Bay, N.Y.) said.

"With the introduction of a smaller, lower-cost iPad mini, Apple has acknowledged Android’s beachhead of 7-inch-class tablets, though at the same time, it has failed to deliver a knock-out punch through innovation, pricing, and availability during the most critical selling period of the year," said Jeff Orr, senior practice director at ABI.

ABI analysts don't believe that the iPad mini has challenged 7-inch Android tablets for market share. Instead, the firm said, analysts believe iPad mini has caused demand for standard iPad models to shift down-market. Limited availability of iPad mini could be the saving grace as end-of-year buying ramps, ABI said.

Android now powers more than 44 percent of all tablets shipped, ABI said.

"As the OS of choice for the majority of device OEMs, we expect the Android ecosystem to continue growing in numbers—new manufacturers, better device choices for reaching more markets and more developers finding value from apps and content," Orr said.

TAG:Apple Ipad Tablet ABI Market Share

Time for engineers to weigh in on immigration

Time for engineers to weigh in on immigration

SAN JOSE, Calif. – Immigration is poised to be the big political issue of 2013, and it’s time engineers weigh in on it.

I know, it seems premature to be calling for a debate about what’s likely to be next year’s big congressional issue. Florida has barely finished counting its ballots from the presidential elections. Most of us are still picking Thanksgiving turkey out of our teeth, and legislators have yet to decide in which direction we will go rolling off the fiscal cliff.

That didn’t stop the IEEE-USA from chiming in on the issue. In a 28-page report released Tuesday (Nov. 26) it argued the current system using a lottery geared to opening the door to a diverse set of nations has outlived its purpose. In its place, the U.S. should make the possession of a science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) degree the key criteria, it suggested.

“The data indicates that swapping the visa lottery for STEM green cards will not diminish the diversity of America’s immigration sources,” the IEEE-USA wrote. “By prioritizing skills it will create and keep jobs in the US,” it said.

The report is timed to give a boost to Republican-sponsored bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. That bill would replace the current lottery system for 55,000 immigration visas with one based on STEM degrees.

I suspect management in the electronics industry will hail the report. When he was CEO of Intel, Craig Barrett used to say a green card ought to get stapled to every STEM degree from a U.S. university.

I assume engineers seeking green cards will support a plan that would put them at the head of the line. Those out of a job or worried about their job security may see such a bill as a threat. But is there a more nuanced debate EEs ought to be having now?

A significant percentage of minority voters in the recent presidential election cast their ballots overwhelmingly for the Democratic ticket. Their votes shifted the debate from whether to how to enact immigration reform.

So like it or not, it’s time to start a thoughtful discussion of the very real complexities of the issues. The IEE-USA decided the place to begin is with a proposal that a technical degree become the key to getting a U.S. green card.

What do you think?

Related stories:

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Silicon Valley Nation: Immigrants keep coming

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TAG:Immigration Reform Green Cards IEEE USA Immigration STEM

HP Labs sees ARM, Atom, memristors in server future

HP Labs sees ARM, Atom, memristors in server future

SAN JOSE, Calif. – HP Labs continues to make progress on its long term vision of smart memories based on its memristors as alternatives to server CPUs. The devices are one of several new categories of chips likely to seize the moment of disruptive changes in data center technologies and workloads ahead, said an HP Labs researcher.

Separately, Hewlett-Packard Co. is expected to announce within weeks the next steps in its Project Moonshot, its work on ARM- and Atom-based servers. HP is working with a broad group of companies including processor providers AMD, Applied Micro, Calxeda, Cavium and Intel on the project.

So far HP has announced an Atom-based server using Intel’s Centerton processor. It suggested it would use cartridges to flexibly upgrade a single server chassis for a wide range of ARM- and Atom-based chips in 2013 and beyond.

On a three-to-five year horizon, HP Labs is working on what it calls "nanostores." The chips combine memristors and logic that could challenge microprocessors in a new era of designs based on novel system architectures and memory hierarchies, said Parthasarathy Ranganathan, an HP Labs researcher in a keynote at the Server Design Summit here.

“We have the opportunity for new building block,” said Ranganathan. “It’s really a 3-D stack amenable to traditional workloads and even more so to new workloads, really changing the game with potentially a hundred-fold increase in performance per watt."

Next: Title-1
TAG:HP Labs Project Moonshot Memristors Nanostores Servers ARM Atom Intel Processors Memory Storage


HP preps memristor-based successor to server CPUs

HP preps memristor-based successor to server CPUs

SAN JOSE, Calif. – HP Labs continues to make progress on its long term vision of smart memories based on its memristors as alternatives to server CPUs. The devices are one of several new categories of chips likely to seize the moment of disruptive changes in data center technologies and workloads ahead, said an HP Labs researcher.

Separately, Hewlett-Packard Co. is expected to announce within weeks the next steps in its Project Moonshot, its work on ARM- and Atom-based servers. HP is working with a broad group of companies including processor providers AMD, Applied Micro, Calxeda, Cavium and Intel on the project.

So far HP has announced an Atom-based server using Intel’s Centerton processor. It suggested it would use cartridges to flexibly upgrade a single server chassis for a wide range of ARM- and Atom-based chips in 2013 and beyond.

On a three-to-five year horizon, HP Labs is working on what it calls "nanostores." The chips combine memristors and logic that could challenge microprocessors in a new era of designs based on novel system architectures and memory hierarchies, said Parthasarathy Ranganathan, an HP Labs researcher in a keynote at the Server Design Summit here.

“We have the opportunity for new building block,” said Ranganathan. “It’s really a 3-D stack amenable to traditional workloads and even more so to new workloads, really changing the game with potentially a hundred-fold increase in performance per watt."

HP Labs continues to conduct experiments on the nanostore concept with promising results. But Ranganathan declined to provide any specifics, noting the work is still as much as three years from commercial products.

Such devices could ride a confluence of multiple waves of change. “The technology changes and workloads inflections ahead are incredibly interesting for system design,” he said.

In computing, he noted processors made a “sharp right turn” in about 2005 when performance gains for single core processors plateaued and multicore architectures took off.

In storage, disk drive capacity has outpaced data access times. DRAM capacity growth has taken a “soft right turn” from traditional levels of 60 percent a year to about 25 percent a year, he noted.

The rise of server SoCs and eventually 3-D stacks along with flash memory in server designs could help breakthrough such bottlenecks. The changes come about the same time that networking is shifting more deeply from copper to optical links.

Separately, data growth is far outpacing Moore’s Law, driving new workloads. The researcher noted a “growing complexity and dynamism of data access.” Today’s searches increasingly involve accessing multiple real-time and static databases as well as overlaid sources of personal and contextual information.

“Compared to a simple click, which once was just to a single Web server, we now have very sophisticated data analysis from multiple repositories with complex cross correlations,” he said. “It’s big data, but it’s also fast data from multiple streams with deep analytics."

Related stories:

  • 3-D memristor chip debuts
  • HP builds prototype for Calxeda ARM server
  • ARM servers: Heavy lifting, big payoffs ahead

TAG:HP Labs Project Moonshot Memristors Nanostores Servers ARM Atom Intel Processors Memory Storage

Secret to Eliminating ESD Damage? Read Your Datasheet

Secret to Eliminating ESD Damage? Read Your Datasheet

The scourge of electronic devices -- electrostatic discharge (ESD) -- can be virtually eliminated by designers doing one simple task: reading their datasheets.

Experts advise to read them slowly, carefully, and all the way down to the fine print. Don't overlook a single word, they say. The result could be the elimination of functional failure, shock, or even fire in an electronic device.

"Sometimes designers move too fast and assume they know what something means," Chad Marak, director of technical marketing for Littelfuse Inc., said in an interview. "But without reading all the way down to the fine print, they may find out that the information on that datasheet doesn't mean what they think it means."

A typical IEC 61000-4-2 ESD waveform is characterized by its sub-nanosecond rise time and its short (~100 ns) duration.
(Source: Littelfuse Inc.)

TAG:littelfuse esd speed2design

London Calling: Pass me that 100 billion euro note

London Calling: Pass me that 100 billion euro note

If it wants to remain competitive in the world Europe needs to find and spend 100 billion euros (about $130 billion) on coordinated nanoelectronics research over the next eight years, according to the organizations Aeneas and Catrene.

An annual spend of more than 10 billion euro would be a considerable increase on what Europe's spending on nanoelectronics has been over the last several years but that is what it is going to take according to a positioning document recently put out jointly by the two organizations called Innovation for the future of Europe: Nanoelectronics beyond 2020.

Aeneas and Catrene are a couple of those typically European organizations set up to represent and influence interests in spending pooled resources on worthy goals, in this case the advancement of nanoelectroncs in Europe. So it should be no surprise that for them the answer is more money.

Aeneas, the Association for European Nanoelectronics Activities, is a non-profit body formed in 2006 that represents about 100 companies and research institutes in Europe. Catrene, the Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on Nanoelectronics, is a four-year collaborative research super project begun in 2008. Over its four years it has assigned about 4 billion euro (about $5 billion) of resources.

So it can be seen that the two bodies are looking for about a 10-fold expansion of that effort into nanoelectronics.

"Despite today's climate of austerity, investing in technologies that will sustain Europe throughout the 21st century and solve important societal challenges such as energy efficiency, security and the aging population, makes economic sense," said Enrico Villa, Chairman of Catrene, in a statement. "We firmly believe that with the right investment and Europe-wide program coordination, the European nanoelectronics ecosystem can increase Europe's worldwide revenues by over 200 billion euro per year and create an additional 250,000 direct and induced jobs in Europe."

Elsewhere in the statement Villa insists that positioning paper "has been put together and endorsed by all the major actors in the European nanoelectronics ecosystem, including large industrial companies, SMEs, research organizations and academic institutes."

That is as may be. Who would not seek to persuade member states and the European Commission of the need to spend more taxpayers' money to R&D. But it also touches on one of the major problems of the European Union.
Next: Show me the money
TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling European Union nanoelectronics Aeneas Catreme semiconductor

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TAG:油青种翡翠价格 图片赏析

Memristor-based nanostore is CPU for HP Labs

Memristor-based nanostore is CPU for HP Labs

SAN JOSE, Calif. – HP Labs continues to make progress on its long term vision of smart memories based on its memristors as alternatives to server CPUs. The devices are one of several new categories of chips likely to seize the moment of disruptive changes in data center technologies and workloads ahead, said an HP Labs researcher.

Separately, Hewlett-Packard Co. is expected to announce within weeks the next steps in its Project Moonshot, its work on ARM- and Atom-based servers. HP is working with a broad group of companies including processor providers AMD, Applied Micro, Calxeda, Cavium and Intel on the project.

So far HP has announced an Atom-based server using Intel’s Centerton processor. It suggested it would use cartridges to flexibly upgrade a single server chassis for a wide range of ARM- and Atom-based chips in 2013 and beyond.

On a three-to-five year horizon, HP Labs is working on what it calls "nanostores." The chips combine memristors and logic that could challenge microprocessors in a new era of designs based on novel system architectures and memory hierarchies, said Parthasarathy Ranganathan, an HP Labs researcher in a keynote at the Server Design Summit here.

“We have the opportunity for new building block,” said Ranganathan. “It’s really a 3-D stack amenable to traditional workloads and even more so to new workloads, really changing the game with potentially a hundred-fold increase in performance per watt."

HP Labs continues to conduct experiments on the nanostore concept with promising results. But Ranganathan declined to provide any specifics, noting the work is still as much as three years from commercial products.

Such devices could ride a confluence of multiple waves of change. “The technology changes and workloads inflections ahead are incredibly interesting for system design,” he said.

In computing, he noted processors made a “sharp right turn” in about 2005 when performance gains for single core processors plateaued and multicore architectures took off.

In storage, disk drive capacity has outpaced data access times. DRAM capacity growth has taken a “soft right turn” from traditional levels of 60 percent a year to about 25 percent a year, he noted.

The rise of server SoCs and eventually 3-D stacks along with flash memory in server designs could help breakthrough such bottlenecks. The changes come about the same time that networking is shifting more deeply from copper to optical links.

Separately, data growth is far outpacing Moore’s Law, driving new workloads. The researcher noted a “growing complexity and dynamism of data access.” Today’s searches increasingly involve accessing multiple real-time and static databases as well as overlaid sources of personal and contextual information.

“Compared to a simple click, which once was just to a single Web server, we now have very sophisticated data analysis from multiple repositories with complex cross correlations,” he said. “It’s big data, but it’s also fast data from multiple streams with deep analytics."

Related stories:

  • 3-D memristor chip debuts
  • HP builds prototype for Calxeda ARM server
  • ARM servers: Heavy lifting, big payoffs ahead

TAG:HP Labs Project Moonshot Memristors Nanostores Servers ARM Atom Intel Processors Memory Storage

Flexible electronics breakthrough claimed

Flexible electronics breakthrough claimed

SAN FRANCISCO—Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated the ability to coat nanoscale particles of the semiconducting material cadmium selenide on flexible plastics, a breakthrough that could lead to high-performance electronics on flexible substrates.

The research team, led by David Kim, a doctoral student at Penn's department of materials science and engineering, used spin coating to deposit cadmium selenide nanocrystals dispersed in an ink-like liquid on a flexible plastic sheet. Their work was recently published in the journal Nature Communications.

"We have a performance benchmark in amorphous silicon, which is the material that runs the display in your laptop, among other devices," Kagan said. "Here, we show that these cadmium selenide nanocrystal devices can move electrons 22 times faster than in amorphous silicon."

Besides speed, another advantage cadmium selenide nanocrystals have over amorphous silicon is the temperature at which they are deposited, according to the researchers. While amorphous silicon uses a process that operates at several hundred degrees, cadmium selenide nanocrystals can be deposited at room temperature and annealed at mild temperatures, opening up the possibility of using more flexible plastic foundations, according to the researchers.

Flexible circuit fabricated in the Penn University lab of Professor Cherie Kagan.
Credit: David Kim/Yuming Lai, Penn

TAG:University of Pennsylvania Cadmium Selenide Penn Researchers Plastic





















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Andy Rubin: After rough start, Android goes viral

Andy Rubin: After rough start, Android goes viral

What eventually became Android, the fastest growing software platform to date, started its life as an idea for cameras. Andy Rubin had just left his first job as a chief executive at Danger, the startup that built the Sidekick handset.

“It was one of the first cellphones where you got a real Internet experience including instant messaging and browsing,” said Rubin in an interview in Building 45 of the Google campus as it was being outfitted to handle an expanding Android staff.

During a break in the Cayman Islands in 2003 to ponder what he wanted to do next, Rubin initially “set out to do the same thing for digital cameras, to create the concept of smart cameras like smartphones,” he said.

Upon further study he found the market for digital cameras was flat at about 30 million units a year. “We could give it a boost, but it wasn’t going to dramatically change things, so we rejiggered,” he said.

The idea for an open source operating system for smartphones emerged as the best shot at making a big splash. The name Android reflected Rubin’s lifelong passion for robotics. But back in Silicon Valley potential investors were unimpressed.

“They said he was trying to boil the ocean, that he would need 10 million phones running Android for this to make sense and they rolled their eyes as if that was absurd,” recalled Steve Perlman, a serial entrepreneur who helped introduce Rubin to potential investors and had been his senior at Apple and startups General Magic and Web TV.

At one point, things got so desperate for Rubin he was about to be evicted. He reached out to Perlman just down the street in Palo Alto, Calif., who walked over $10,000 in hundred dollar bills in a manila envelope as the first installment of a larger gift.

“Eventually, he got funding and returned the favor when he got acquired by Google and they paid my rent for next 18 months,” Perlman quipped.

Rubin recruited former colleagues to form his core team at his new startup. Chris White from Web TV was “a trusted innovator in user interfaces” and among the first to see the need to “get maps deeply integrated in the platform,” Rubin said.

Brian Swetland from Danger became “one of the best engineers on Android and created a lot of the architecture and frameworks for it,” said Rubin. “He’s a big advocate of open source and helped us figure out the right licenses to use--he has a great moral compass in open source,” he said.

Former colleagues Rich Miner and Nick Sears had backgrounds at carriers Orange and T-Mobile respectively, assets valuable in creating business and marketing strategies.

Ironically, the team’s decision to use Java but not the Java virtual machine developed by Sun Microsystems later landed it in a high profile court case. Oracle acquired Sun and claimed the Android team infringed its patent rights in a court case where the initial decisions went in Google’s favor.
Next: Java choice

Yoshida in China: Beijing patent push

Yoshida in China: Beijing patent push

PARIS—Cynics tend to mock the term “Chinese IPR” (intellectual property rights) as an oxymoron—like “future historians” and “military intelligence.”

But as the Financial Times reported recently, “the rapid rise in Chinese patent filings, which have been growing at a rate of more than 20 percent a year, reflects a profound change in cultural attitudes to property, and intellectual property in particular—even if the Chinese system for protecting IP rights still has many deficiencies.”

More important, the growth in Chinese patent filings is likely to affect foreign companies that may have been reluctant to file for patents in China. Instead of dismissing the Chinese patent system as being fatally flawed and Chinese patents as hopelessly defective, foreign companies might be better advised to invest time and resources in filing patents in China to compete with Chinese companies.

TAG:Patents IPRs China


Chip market to fall in 2012, rise in 2013

Chip market to fall in 2012, rise in 2013

LONDON – The WSTS industry organization has revised its previous forecasts down and now predicts a weak end to the year for the global chip market.

As a result the global chip market will be worth $290 billion in 2012, down 3.2 percent from 2011 but will recover in 2013 rising by 4.5 percent, according to the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization.

WSTS has revised its forecasts for growth in 2012 and 2013 down from previous forecast given in June 2012 of 0.4 percent growth in 2012 and 7.2 percent growth in 2013 (see SIA, WSTS expect flat chips sales in 2012). The reduced expectations are mainly due to uncertainty in the world economy including a slowdown in the Chinese economy.

Other forecasters have been more optimistic recently (see Report: Rising GDP set to boost chip markets).

The 2012 market weakness is broad, WSTS said, with contraction in all geographical regions and all product categories except logic and optoelectronics.

WSTS anticipates the world market to grow 5.2 percent to $319 billion in 2014, with mid single-digit percentage growth across most geographical regions and semiconductor product categories, supported by a healthier global economy.

Click on image to enlarge.

WSTS Forecast Summary from the 2012 meeting held in Kobe, Japan, Nov. 13 to 16, 2012

Related links and articles:


News articles:

Report: Rising GDP set to boost chip markets

Chip firms ranked by Q4 guidance

Chip market to shrink in 2012, says Gartner

Cowan tips chip market growth for 2013

SIA, WSTS expect flat chip sales in 2012

TAG:WSTS chip marker semiconductor logic optoelectronics memory

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MediaTek reportedly has eight-core apps processor

MediaTek reportedly has eight-core apps processor

LONDON – MediaTek is developing an ARM-based eight-cored processor for use in a smartphone by Chinese telecommunications equipment and network provider ZTE, according to reports in Taiwan.

The MT6599 is based on the ARM architecture and will be manufactured using 28-nm processing by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. according to a China Times report.

The ZTE Apache phone will support both 3G – WCDMA and TD-SCDMA – and 4G LTE communications.

MediaTek has beaten of competition from Qualcomm and Nvidia to get the design win with ZTE and is expected to send samples to customers in May 2013, the report said.

Related links and articles:

China Times story

News articles:

Yoshida in China: Key to LTE winners is China Mobile

Qualcomm grabs half of baseband IC market

Yoshida in China: How Nokia failed, MediaTek won

TAG:MediaTek ZTE smartphone multicore Cortex ARM multiprocessor

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