
Jeans Swap Party-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Your friend with a thing for designer jeans. The girl in your office who owns more shoes than she could ever wear. These are the type of people you want to invite to your clothing swap.


Also known as free sales or clothing exchanges, swaps offer a new way to get rid of your old stuff: shoes, accessories ... anything that's been hanging around, unworn, in your closet since Nick and Jessica were still newlyweds.

To throw a clothing swap, invite a small group of friends and co-workers to your place for a girly evening of cocktails, food and trading one another's stuff. Ask everyone to bring a couple bags or plastic bins of gently used pants, tops, shoes and accessories that they're ready to recycle.

Let guests know there's no need to bring loads of cash. However, they should all bring a small amount of money in case other swappers request something for pricy items, like designer handbags or shoes that originally cost a quarter of their rent payment.

Sipping drinks, scoping out other people's stuff: It's a fun way to spend an evening. The swap gives everyone the thrill of thrift shopping without having to spend a dime.


Jennifer Morgan-Farney has hosted four clothing swaps. It all started when she and her friends began trading clothes they didn't wear anymore. "Every so often I would get rid of the things I never wore," she says. "Instead of donating some things, I would give them away."

The trading evolved into parties. And now, she's so organized that she's even invested in a couple inexpensive clothing racks from Target to use during the parties.

Everything that's not hanging up is folded on tables, couches or any available surface. At the end of the night, whatever's left over goes to a charity, such as Goodwill, the next morning.

On a recent Friday night I went to one of Jennifer's swaps.

The experience was a little euphoric. I arrived loaded up with bags of sweaters, shirts and even lampshades. And I left with a Diane Von Furstenburg-style Banana Republic dress, black strappy sandals, a Coach purse and a whole bag filled with great stuff. (In other words, several new outfits for the bargain price of free.)


Step 1: Send Evites (www.evite.com) to 25 of your closest friends and co-workers; this guarantees at least 15 or so people will show. A group of 10-15 is ideal to make sure there will be enough diversity in styles/sizes. Odds are, you and your four closest buddies may not fit in one another's clothes.

Step 2: Offer food and drink, but arrange it in a separate area from the clothes. This creates a flow of people and keeps everybody from clustering in one room.

Step 3: Speaking of food, keep it simple with cheese plates and finger foods. Everyone will be headed home with armloads of clothes and won't have room for leftovers in the car.

Step 4: Offer up a slightly modest place (with a mirror) as a changing area. A bedroom or den works best.

Step 5: Designate areas so everyone knows where to put items: shoes, accessories, home decor items and clothes. If you plan to throw a party more than once, consider investing in inexpensive clothing racks. (Jennifer got hers from Target.)

Jeans Swap Party

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