
Zippers On Christian Louboutin Zip-detail Hobo-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

More is less. That is what I thought when I saw Zip-Detail Hobo from Christian Louboutin. Obviously, the designer wanted to give some innovation to Christian Louboutin. Yet its dull shade covers all shiny points. It is fine to style up a fantabulous outfit for a touch of simplicity.

It is obviously in a supple leather with gold tone hardware, and is designed with pleating all throughout along with three angled zippers with translucent pulls. It also has a hanging logo tag with chain attached to one of the flat shoulder straps. Its shape also shows that this bag is equipped with a spacious interior that would probably be enough for all your day to night basic needs.

And for such a bit of a plain bag, the tag of $1,995 is indeed overpriced. Would anyone purchase such for just the branding Well anyway, if you are not sure with the nude tone, a black version is as well available for a more stylish and classier look.

Zippers On Christian Louboutin Zip-detail Hobo

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