
Acquire Style & Sophistication With Designer Handbags-Discount Handbags

Designer handbags continue to top the charts in the accessories market, as these are as much about comfort and convenience, as they are about style. Form follows Function is the axiom that truly outstanding designers are aware of, and try to put it into practice with every item they create. Luxury designer women's handbag forms the ultimate fashion statement of today. Designer handbags & purses are loved by women all over the world, and are an extension of their taste.

Designer handbags will always be sought after because of their look and symbolism. There are a large number of websites that sell designer handbags. Many of these sites claim authenticity, but in fact are high quality replicas. In this day and age it takes a smart web buyer to sift through the many designer handbag sites. There are sites with actual authentic handbags and one should not let a bad experience ruin his/her hopes and dreams of getting a great deal on the authentic merchandise. It is definitely worth getting a great deal on the web as opposed to the full retail price in the malls and designer handbag shops and stores.

Legitimate designer handbag wholesalers sell authentic designer handbags that come with authenticity cards/tags and dust covers. These wholesalers offer handbags at 50-75% off retail prices, money-back guarantee, and require the customer to purchase a minimum quantity, which can be as low as 5 handbags. They also provide customers with companies complete contact information, including address, telephone number, e-mail, etc, so that they can always speak with someone before placing an order.

There are some trustable sources online that provide a fact list of designer handbag wholesalers. Their directory provides a listing of legitimate wholesalers of authentic designer handbags for top brands like Gucci, Fendi, Prada, JP Tod's, Burberry, Marc Jacobs, and many more. Every single company listed in their online wholesale designer handbag Directory is thoroughly screened and approved as an authentic designer handbag wholesaler. Regular updation is done to this directory adding authentic designer handbag wholesalers, and periodically re-verifying the existing suppliers. Individuals can use this directory to start their own business selling one of the hottest products around, the Designer Handbags!
The choice and variety of designer bags has escalated into numerous designs, shapes, colors and fabrics, each with a different purpose and sense of occasion. Most of the women look upon them as a way to exhibit their affluence and status, and for the fashionables, it is a way to redefine their modish side.

So get the best in fashion and function with wholesale authentic handbags, and flaunt your good taste!

Acquire Style & Sophistication With Designer Handbags

Gucci generated circa 2.2 billion worldwide of revenue in 2008 according to BusinessWeek magazine and climbed to 41st position in the magazine's annual 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands" chart created by Interbrand.Gucci is also the biggest-selling Italian brand in the world.Gucci operates about 278 directly operated stores worldwide (at September 2009) and it wholesales its products through franchisees and upscale department stores

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