
Report On Vegetarians: Different Systems For Different People-Discount Handbags

Usually, when you think of vegetarians, you think of people who avoid eating any type of animal flesh including beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, etc. There are several types and variations to vegetarianism. While many of the vegetarians are lacto ovo vegetarians who will everything but any kind of meat, some others will avoid eating eggs and dairy products and others will say no to beef, pork and poultry but will include fish and other seafood in their diet.

i) Vegans:
The followers of this type of diet stay away from all and any meat products as well as such food items that are derived from meat such as eggs, honey and even milk and its products. Stricter vegans stay clear even from beer and some wines. Others also do not use cane sugar because bone char is used in the production of it. Though not related, such dieters would also not buy jackets, purses or shoes made from furs or leather.

ii) Macrobiotics:
This diet started and spread out from the far east and Japan to be exact. According to this set of beliefs, there are particular rules and food items allowed. Since it is based on creating a balance between the two Japanese ideals: yang and yin, ingredients include different kinds if vegetables, fruits, whole grain, seeds and some soya and nut derivates. Fish is permissible.

C) Lacto-Ovos:
Based on the Latin word for milk and eggs, these vegetarians follow a simple rule. No meat, no fish, no poultry no sea-food but any and all kinds of egg and milk derivates are allowed.

The lacto ovo vegetarian category is divided into two categories:
i) An Ovo Vegetarian does not eat meat and dairy products but does eat eggs.
ii) A Lacto Vegetarian does not eat meat and eggs but does eat dairy foods.

D) Raw Vegans:
Also called raw foodists limit themselves to unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit or 46 degrees Celsius. Therefore, their diet mainly consists of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. However, some of the raw foodists do consist raw food that was derived from animals in their diet including raw eggs, unheated dairy products and sushi.

E) Pescetarians:
The pescatarian or pescetarian (depending on how you spell it) are those who refrain from consuming meat but will take in shellfish, sea food and fish. This group of vegetarians are less formed from those who have become vegetarians because of ideology and more from those who are forced to follow such a diet due to health problems. Others also rationalize that the killing of fish is much less crueler than the killing of animals or that fish are not as intelligent as animals grown on a farm.

In addition to the types mentioned above, there are some smaller groups who follow a similar diet such as:
1) Pollo Vegetarians who eat poultry.
2) Flexitarians who refrain from meat only if the specific beast was raised or slaughtered cruelly.
3) Freeganists who eat all kinds of meat unless the environment was damaged or humans or animals were exploited while the meat was being prepared.

Report On Vegetarians: Different Systems For Different People

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