
Flash revenue expected to overtake DRAM in 2012

SUNNYVALE, Calif.—Sales of flash memory chips are expected to eclipse sales of DRAM for the first time in 2012, according to market research firm IC Insights Inc.

IC Insights
(Scottsdale, Ariz.) projects that flash memory revenue will hit $32.8 billion in 2012, up 11 percent from 2011. Meanwhile, the firm predicts that DRAM sales will slide to $30.3 billion, down 3 percent from 2011 due to softening average selling prices (ASPs), according to the firm.

Capital spending for DRAM is also expected to decline to less than $5 billion in 2012, according to the firm. This would translate to roughly 4.3 percent of expected DRAM sales, the lowest level ever, according to IC Insights. By contrast, DRAM capital spending equated to roughly 7.3 percent of sales last year and about 11.3 percent of sales in 2010, according to the company.

Flash revenue expected to overtake DRAM in 2012

TAG:IC Insights SEmiconductor Flash DRAM

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