
LaCie hits CES with its Thunderbolt products

LAS VEGAS--Computer hardware maker LaCie was out to strike a home run at CES with new Thunderbolt interconnect technology products, including its 2big external hard drive, a follow up to the firm’s double SSD “little big disk.”

Thunderbolt is an interconnect technology which started as an Intel initiative and has now been largely adopted by Apple for its Mac computers, though the technology is starting to see some adoption from PC vendors like Lenovo and Acer, who both announced Thunderbolt laptops at the CES.

The interface is three times the speed of fire wire and can even exceed the speed of eSATA.

LaCie’s “little big disk” with two SSDs inside has been available since September and was so successful, the firm decided to follow it up with an even larger model, the 2big, replete with two Thunderbolt ports and up to 8TB of storage space in RAID 0, or 4TB in RAID 1.

LaCie hits CES with its Thunderbolt products

TAG:CES Lacie thunderbolt esata mac intel

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