
Why Is Everyone Switching to Hosted PBX?

Business owners are switching to hosted PBX phone services in droves. The reason why everyone is so excited about hosted PBX phone systems is clear to see. In brief, hosted VoIP and PBX telephone systems are cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than older telephone services. With those three advantages combined in one hosted PBX phone system, it is no wonder that hosted PBX and VoIP services are growing so rapidly in popularity.

Hosted PBX is cheaper – The reason hosted PBX telephone services are cheaper than older analog phone line telephone systems is because hosted PBX phones use a high speed broadband internet connection in order to send and receive telephone transmissions. When you speak into a hosted PBX phone, your voice is compressed and shoots over the internet in lightning speed. With ah hosted PBX phone system, your voice quickly arrives at its destination and is then decompressed for the receiver to respond to. Because hosted PBX telephone communications use the internet to send calls, there is no longer a need for business owners to have an analog land line phone. Hosted PBX and VoIP is hence a tremendous cost savings.

Not only do small business and call center owners saving money on the monthly telephone bill, but there is also extensive cost savings to be found in hosted PBX phone systems because the installation costs are minimal. Because hosted PBX phone operates using your high speed broadband internet connection, there is virtually no additional equipment required to make a hosted PBX phone system work well for you and your small business. If your small business is a call center then you may wish to purchase a PBX phone for each of your operators, but it is not necessary to do this by just switching to hosted PBX. If you wish you may choose to use your old telephones with a new hosted PBX services. All that is required are hosted PBX phone adapters to make your old phones compatible with then new hosted PBX of VoIP service.

Hosted PBX is more reliable and more efficient – Hosted PBX and VoIP telephone systems are more reliable than your old telephone service because hosted PBX is primarily automated. Having an automated phone system means standardizing your calling etiquette and eliminating the factors of human error. For example, unlike having a telephone operator answer the phone at your small business, a hosted PBX or VoIP system would do it. A hosted PBX phone system does not require any sick days or vacation time. A hosted PBX phone system can answer the phone twenty four hours a day and on weekends. A hosted PBX phone system does not mistakenly hang up on customers or transfer them to the wrong extension. A hosted PBX phone service is friendly and professional 100% of the time. You will get this kind of superb service from a hosted PBX phone, but you would never get this reliable service from your old phone system.

These reasons above are the top reasons why small business owners are switching to hosted PBX and VoIP telephone systems. And as you have learned by reading this article, there are really no reasons why you should stay with your old analog land line telephone service provider. Hosted PBX and VoIP telephone systems just makes good business sense.

Hosted PBX is more reliable and more efficient – Hosted PBX and VoIP telephone systems are more reliable than your old telephone service because hosted PBX is primarily automated. Having an automated…. Learn more at hosted pbx and services

Why Is Everyone Switching to Hosted PBX?

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