
CNSE receives federal grants for nanotechnologies

MANHASSET, NY -- Federal funding of more than $5 million is being given to the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany for a host of nanotechnology-enabled education and research programs.

The programs are for applications in the clean energy, environmental, nanomedicine and defense industries.

The money is given as grants to both CNSA programs as well as to individual academic researchers. The programs are broad in nature and specific to application areas.

A $1 million NSF grant is to create a program called Enhancing Nanotechnology Advances in Businesses Leveraging Energy (ENABLE) to use graphene materials to improve performance and reliability for solar cells, smart windows and ultracapacitors.

A $600,000 NSF grant is to develop Nanotechnology Innovations for Clean Energy – Innovative Partnerships (NICE-IP) to move discoveries such as silicon nanowires from the lab into the market.

A $300,000 DOE award is to develop cost-effective sensing technologies that can function in harsh, high-temperature operating environments such as power systems. In addition, a $300,000 DOE grant is to fund deployment of a novel cell-printing system to study how bacteria can be used to help clean up decontaminated groundwater at DOE sites.

A $650,000 NIH grant is to apply nanofabrication methods to create NANIVID, an implantable device to collect cancer cells as they migrate away from primary tumor sites, a project that is part of a Tumor Microenvironment Network (TMEN) research center, one of 11 new national centers created by the National Cancer Institute. A $420,000 grant from the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is to develop a biological sensor to measure a cell’s ability to respond to DNA damage.

The AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) gave a $750,000 grant to develop advanced 3-D ICs to enable high-performance, low-power nanoelectronics applications for the Air Force. A $615,000 grant from Naval Research Labs is to examine the fundamental properties of nanoelectronics devices for space and military applications.

CNSE reports receiving more than $70 million in federal funding awards over the past year. The Albany, NY complex has plenty of research and lab personnel openings.
CNSE receives federal grants for nanotechnologies

TAG:CNSE Federal Grants Nanotechnologies

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