
.Advantech aims boards at the Internet of Things

.Advantech aims boards at the Internet of Things

Advantech Corp. (Taipei, Taiwan), a vendor of embedded single-board computers, is aiming to dominate the Internet of Things with embedded devices and management software in a shift of strategy.

The company, which was the leading embedded PC vendor in 2011 with over 25 percent of the market, sees the opportunities in the intelligent sensor and gateway devices, coupled with security and cloud management software.

Advantech Industrial Cloud Services is also making its SUSI-Access cloud software available on all its embedded platforms. This allows system integrators to centralize monitoring and management of remote embedded devices in real time. The cloud-based application is free for customers and centralizes monitoring of all remote embedded device. It collects all device data and provides logs for remote management. When errors occur it auto-notifies the system administrator via warning opups and email alerts. If there’s a major failure the applications automatically reboots to run diagnostics and deploy system recovery procedures.

Advantech has also launched a series of wireless I/O modules using the same 802.15.4 mesh networking standard as Zigbee with sensors.

The ADAM-2000Z series includes six modules including a Modbus/RTU gateway, router node and I/O and sensors. The modules run for a year from two AA batteries and include a wireless site survey tool in the ADAM software utility.

The Modbus protocol allows the modules to be integrated into HMI and SCADA networks. The modules include a wireless temperature and humity sensor node as well as 6 channel analogue and 8 channel digital versions.

This article was first published by sister publication EE Times Europe.

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TAG:Internet of Things Embedded PC Advantech Taipei IoT boards

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