
10 notable blunders of 2011

For most of electronics, 2011 came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb. Carryover from a strong bounce back year in 2010 set markets booming in the early part of the year, but dragging effects—chiefly macroeconomic concerns—have slowed business considerably as the year draws to a close.

But 2011 will be remembered for a number of things apart from the second half slowdown. Natural disasters, including the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan and the monsoon flooding in Thailand beginning over the summer, wreaked havoc on the electronics supply chain. Mobile products, including media tablets and smartphones, continued their ascent to the top of the consumer electronics heap.

But like any year, 2011 will also be remembered for its share of missteps in the electronics world. EE Times has compiled a list of 10 blunders from 2011 that we believe will be remembered for years to come. We proudly present them in the following pages:

Next: 10. CSR buys Zoran for $484 million, dumps its crown jewel
10 notable blunders of 2011

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