
How To Remove Tint On Car Windows-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

First off, here is what you will need.

- Bucket of soapy water (brand doesn't matter)
- 2 Large Spray bottle
- Large Black Garbage Bags
- Tarp
- Super Fine Steel Wool
- Sharp Knife or Razor Blade
- Ammonia (make sure that it is undiluted)
- Windex
- Roll of paper towels
- Set aside Approximately 3 1/2 hours maybe longer your first time
- A nice warm sunny day is a must!

* Tint is made up of multiple layers of film. If it is left under the warm sun, the garbage bag with the help to absorb the heat, making it easier to peel off the film
in one piece! That is why it is a Must for a nice warm day!

Step 1.
Fill your Large spray bottle with soapy water from your bucket.

Step 2.
Hold black garbage bag up to your rear window and roughly cut out 2 pieces the shape of the window (one for the outside, and one for the inside that you will use later). Take your spray bottle and coat the outside of the window with soapy water, then follow by covering it with the black garbage bag and smooth it until it is perfectly flat!

Step 3.
Make sure you Cover and protect everything on the inside of your vehicle near your rear window. Use your tarp to cover, seats, speakers, and anything else that could be harmed by the ammonia. Next take your second spray bottle and spray the entire window film with your undiluted ammonia.

Its very important to remember, that Ammonia has a very strong smell. I would recommend wearing a face mask, holding your breath or tying something around your face, to avoid the smell as much as possible.

Step 4.
Now that the window is still wet from ammonia, you need to trap the ammonia on the window film, with the 2nd garbage bag (the one you cut out earlier). Make sure the rear window is pointed in the direction of the sun for at least an hour or two to help soften the tint's adhesive.

Step 5.
Once you have completed step 4, you are ready to start peeling the window film. Start in the corner of the window and try lifting the film with your knife or razor blade. Once it is started continue to peel the film off in one piece! Make sure that you keep in moist with your spray bottle of ammonia as you strip it away. Use your razor blade to remove and pieces left behind. Its very important to make sure you do not cut the defroster lines, so pay attention as you are scraping!

Step 6.

Last but not least, Remove any leftover adhesive with your ammonia and steel wool, making sure to wipe it with a paper towel before it dries! Then, remove exterior garbage bag, and using paper towels and your windex make sure to clean your window thoroughly!

How To Remove Tint On Car Windows

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