With the worry or stress attached to purchasing an authentic designer purse or handbag online its no wonder most people resort to full retail price. Companies like Louis Vuitton filing lawsuit against ebay for letting people get away with selling fakes, and there only being one true online authorized seller of LV, shows its getting tough out there to get a deal on a designer handbag without getting ripped off. It makes you wonder, is there a deal to be had on a designer handbag
As I prepared my notes in the corner of a local office building, I noticed a group of women huddled in a circle, just ecstatic with a fellow workers latest designer handbag purchase.
Any passer by could not resist taking a glimpse to see why the ladies were crowding around.
"Oh my god thats a real Fendi!" , " How Much Was It ", "Where did you get it "
They quickly kept commenting, and questioning one after another, throwing in any bit of information on the handbag they could.
The young lady clutching on to this brand new Fendi designer handbag answered, "I tried to look online, but I was too skeptical, I couldn't do it and ended up paying full retail for it at boutique Downtown Vancouver. " Ouch I thought to myself, because I could sense she paid upwards of $900 for what was a bag worth around $400 online, but that's if you know where to get it, and most don't.
The women remained gathered for nearly up to an hour as I worked on my laptop waiting for a tardy business call. I was thinking to myself that these women are so interested in this bag that it led to a lengthy hour conversation delaying all delegated office work. To hear all their lingering questions on how to obtain a deal on these beautiful designer handbags--a question that most women are asking.
Today, designer handbag e-commerce remains in its infancy. As the world of online sales progress, tougher measures will be taken to prevent sale of fake designer handbags and the production of these replicas. Is it going to take a new world order to crack down on this issue or just a few people doing the right research and spreading the word on a massive basis Know where to get good deals on true authentic handbags and pass the word on. The average citizen in North America passes on a deal to their friends when they find one. Many deals are to be had, and there are actual legitimate online companies who only sell authentic designer handbags.
In this world of designer handbag mania, I believe slowly but surely the majority of people seeking deals on the real thing will find them online. There will always be the boutique go'er that just can't resist the atmosphere and the thrill of paying full retail price, or maybe to brag to their friends how many paychecks they had to set aside or how much their boyfriend spent on them. That is just how it is in this highly competitive designer handbag fashion era.
In this day and age, not just with designer handbags but shopping in general, great discounts can be found by purchasing items online as opposed to offline at a department stores or boutiques. Codes and coupons can be found from the legitimate websites on blogs or forums even furthering the online designer handbag discount. Times will change and the comfort and convenience of shopping at home online will ultimately become second nature to the average shopper or designer handbag lover.
Where Did You Get Your Designer Handbag
Previous:Wedding Gifts
Chanel handbags are good at creating elegance and nobleness. When you carry this Chanel Sophisticated Quilted Leather Bag, I'm sure it will infuse a pop of brightness to your day or eveningwear. It is indeed very bright and its shade will as well put feminine glam and sophistication to whatever ensemble you wish to wear.
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