
Picking The Perfect Womens Laptop Bag-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

I had just ordered my new laptop from Dell when my friend walked in with her new HP computer. It's funny, even though they were different brands, we both bought a 17" laptop computer with the wide screen, and most of the bells and whistles.
Since my friend was in the store when she bought her laptop, she also saw that there were cool laptop bags available, so she bought one. I'm not sure why that idea didn't cross my mind, because I did buy the laptop with the idea of taking it with me when I traveled, but I guess since I had an old college book bag I thought I could just use that to carry it around in.
On my first trip away with my new computer, I discovered a few flaws in using a regular book bag to carry the laptop around. This made me want a new women's laptop bag even more!
Since the book bag was for unbreakable books, it was not protected very well. To take care of this problem, I made my laptop bag cushioned by putting extra clothes around the laptop. I didn't want my water bottle and other items to leak on it - or scratch it. At that point, I thought maybe a laptop sleeve would come in handy, as my new cushion method made made it a little hard to take the laptop in and out of the bag when I wanted to use it on the plane.
I soon found out that even though my friend had a cool laptop bag, it was also a lot more functional than my regular book backpack. Of course, I had to do a lot of research before I settled on my first laptop bag, and since I wanted a really cool laptop bag there were a lot of things to consider. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you look for a women's laptop bag, and especially if you're going to purchase it online:
** Your shopping will go much faster if you first decide what kind of womens laptop bag you want. Then you will have it narrowed down a little when you begin to look through all of the available womens laptop bags.
Decide if you want a backpack type bag, or a messenger laptop bag (which usually means it is carried on the shoulder). Do you need a rolling laptop bag - If you have a 17' laptop like mine, which weighs 9.3 pounds, it might get a little heavy in a backpack. Depending on your strength and ability to carry that load on your back, you might want to consider a rolling laptop bag.
**Soft sided laptop bags vs. hard sided laptop cases: There are a lot of cool women's laptop bags out there, but if you're going to use your laptop bag to carry your laptop to meetings, you might want to keep the tone down a little, and consider a hard sided case. This will make it look more like a briefcase and help you stand out as being more professional.
** How Much Does it Weigh Last but not least, be sure to check on how much the bag weighs. Like I said, my laptop is over 9 pounds, and the women's cool laptop bag that I almost bought weighed a little over 3 pounds. That's a lot of extra weight to carry around for just a laptop carry bag. I choose instead a lightweight womens laptop bag, over a heaver leather bag (that's just personal preference, of course). The lightweight pink laptop bag still had enough protection for my laptop, as well as enough space for my accessories, water bottle, extra clothes and a few snacks - and that's also very important!

Picking The Perfect Womens Laptop Bag

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