
Product Review: Everlast Nevatear Heavy Bag-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

The Everlast Nevatear Heavy Bag provides a great combination of durability and affordability. I have owned the Nevatear (Never-Tear) Heavy Bag for just over a year and it has become a reliable piece of equipment and a necessity in my every day training schedule. I'll tell you why I am happy with this product, and why anyone looking for a low cost heavy bag should consider this bag for their training.

Admittedly, the Nevatear is one of the low end heavy bags that Everlast produces, but it is a quality product nonetheless. It is typical for any bag that is not made of genuine leather to be considered a lower end model. Everlast does have some higher priced models of genuine high quality leather that are priced between $200 - $500. As I stated, the Nevatear is priced lower, but it is perfect for both the beginner and the avid trainer.

One of the benefits about the Nevetear bag is that it comes in a variety of colors and sizes. The bag comes in a 50 lbs. size which measures at 36" in length and is the perfect sized for a young child or smaller fighter. The bag also comes in a 70 lbs. size, which is the one I own, which is 42" in length and a 100 lbs. bag that is 48" in length. All 3 sizes have the color options of Black, Red or Royal Blue.

As I said, I have been using this bag for over a year, and I am really happy with it. The bag has continued to hold it's shape and form despite hundreds of boxing workouts and thousands of Muay Thai kicks. I have previously heard people complain about certain heavy bags because over time the filling seems to settle more towards the bottom of the bag, and there is less at the top. As a result the bottom becomes harder and the top becomes softer or more giving. The thing is I don't know how you actually have a gym where gravity ceases to exist. It's basic physics people!

This has somewhat happened with my Everlast bag too, but only slightly. The bag is really packed with a lot of fill to reduce this from happening. Nevertheless, the bottom is still a little more firm than the top, but I consider this an advantage. Because the bag is tougher at the bottom it will help toughen your shins if you consistantly use it for your Muay Thai kicks. With the top getting softer over time, it will reduce the impact on your hands and wrists, which will keep you healthy and training longer.

The bag comes equipped with all the necessary hard ware to install the bag for a ceiling mount. If you don't have the room or can't install a ceiling mount for some reason, you may want to look at either a wall mount or a free standing Heavy Bag Stand. Everlast also carries those products as well.

In fact, the only problem I had with the bag at all actually came with the ceiling mount swivel. After one really hard work out where I was doing a lot of moving around the bag to work on my head and foot movement, I struck the bag, which had already been swiveling and the bolt/nut that was attaching it to the ceiling part of the mount came loose causing the whole bag to fall to the ground. I contribute this to the fact that I don't think I had tightened the nut/bolt as touch as I was suppose to during the installation. The part that is inconveinent is that I had to take the time to uninstall the part that is attached to the ceiling so I could reattach the entire mounting bracket correctly. As a consumer, if Everlast researched and developed a more effecient mounting bracket that was included with the bag, it would be a nice upgraded that would be appreciated. For future consumers, I suggest that you simply make sure you tighten all the brackets as tight as possible to avoid having to go through what I had to.

The Nevatear bag by Everlast is priced between $69.99 to $119.99 depening on what size you get, and as I stated before it is available in 3 colors. If you are interested in purchasing one of the bags you can click on the image below to visit the Everlast website.

Product Review: Everlast Nevatear Heavy Bag

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